Thursday, August 27, 2020

Growth Mindset


Source: Laura Gibbs' blog post
I hadn't heard of the growth mindset directly before, but I suppose I somehow ended up with one anyway. I feel I'm pretty heavily on the growth-mindset side of the spectrum, given how I tend to approach problems and obstacles. When I fail, I adapt and try again. 
One of the places that mindset is probably most apparent for me is in my approach to playing games, which is one of my favorite pastimes. When I lose or fail, I change up my play-style and tactics to try to adapt to the situation, and I'd say it's probably my greatest strength in gaming: being flexible.
And my academics are another place it becomes apparent. My classes in my Junior year of high school were easy and boring to me, and so I took a risk and decided to take on a massive challenge by completing both semesters of my Senior year in tandem with the final semester of my Junior year. It was a daunting challenge, but one I overcame, and which allowed me to graduate a year early and begin attending OU an entire year earlier than I would have otherwise.

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